for Government Services Committee

FAQ's for Government Services Committee
of the St. Charles City Council

Prepared by the Active River Task Force


Now that the engineering study is complete, what is the next step?

The next step is to identify engineering and construction phasing and investigate what funding mechanisms might be available to implement this project.

If the funding was available, what is the next step? Do the concept designs included in the study reflect what the final project may look like? How would low water conditions affect the completed project? How would high water conditions affect the completed project? How will canoes and kayaks traverse the new cascade features contemplated in the concept designs? Will the new project be safe? Who will own and maintain the new dam structures and other project components? Who will be responsible for clearing debris in the river? How does this project effect private landowners along the river? What about overall project features north and south of this section (between Main Street and the RR trestle) of the river? What happens to all of the silt that is built up behind the current dam, and won't the new dam structures cause silt build-up as well? Will power boats be able to traverse the new project?

St. Charles Active
River Project

  •   P.O. Box 3753
         St. Charles, IL 60174

About the Project

The goal of the St. Charles Active River Project is to create a lively riverfront environment and experience that is the centerpiece of the community. Your participation and input are important. Contact us to get involved or provide your feedback here