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Opportunity Analysis

Stakeholder Interests

The team, along with the Active River Task Force, gathered, evaluated and summarized input from a variety of stakeholders to help formulate strategies for the river corridor improvements.

Although stakeholders agree on many important factors, there are also competing interests for the use of the river and the riverfront properties. Preservationists would like to see riverfront properties remain natural and promote ecological restoration, while others support active recreation and riverfront development. Power boaters are sometimes in conflict with rowers, canoers and fishermen. Water quality proponents are in favor of complete dam removal while paddling enthusiasts support dam modification. The challenge is to balance these competing interests throughout the river corridor.

The consensus is that the river is the most important community asset and should remain a priority for years to come

Downtown St. Charles and the riverfront have traditionally been the center of the community, but resources are now divided between the downtown and riverfront, the east gateway along Kirk Road, and the West gateway along Randall Road. Each area plays an important role in the community but also compete for limited resources.

There is also a disparity among stakeholders regarding the future of St. Charles and the role the river plays within it. Should St. Charles continue to improve and enhance the river corridor mainly for the benefit of the existing residents and community members, or should St. Charles implement changes to support economic development and an active, more urban lifestyle, that could be attractive to visitors and a younger population?

Regardless of the varied stakeholder interests, the consensus is that the river is the most important community asset and should remain a priority for years to come.


St. Charles Active
River Project

  •   P.O. Box 3753
         St. Charles, IL 60174

About the Project

The goal of the St. Charles Active River Project is to create a lively riverfront environment and experience that is the centerpiece of the community. Your participation and input are important. Contact us to get involved or provide your feedback here